Miracle List

This list is the answer to your prayers. It will remove all your spirits and soulwounds and head you into your God given destiny.

Make it your #1 priority in life:

God loves you dearly and wants you well. Your condition is serious. Prayer &

Bible study alone will not work. This list will! This list has healed hundreds. Treat it like a college course. Take it slow & sure. One step at a time, not all at once.

Go to the web site & read about all the testimonies of people who have done the list. Hit the “Testimonial” button. Go to the Facebook site “Blessings” & read about all the miracles people received after following the list. It will encourage you. This list will allow you to weaken the demonic strongholds in your life and cast them out forever.

To remove sin, sickness, curses & spirits you must weaken them first. Once weakened, they are easy to remove. This list will break their hold on your life & their power. Perform it with everything you have. You must fight for your life.

Demons get into the person in layers, so to speak. You must start to remove the layers. It’s a process. You did not get into this condition overnight & you won’t get out of it overnight. When all the layers of wounds & spirits are removed you will be cured & headed into your new destiny in Christ. Here are a few tips that will speed up the process for you. It must be done with sincerity, precision & desperation:

1. Make a literal numbered list of all the people in your life that have hurt

you significantly from childhood to present, dead or alive. Pray Mt.

5:44 over each of them exactly as the verse is written (if they are

alive). Repent to God for holding bad feelings and negative emotions

toward them. You must not only forgive them but release the ought

(negative emotions) in your soul for them. Pray sincerely and fervently

for them (Mt. 6:14-15, Col. 3:12-13, Job 42:10), (for parents see #3).

2. Make a literal numbered list of all the things you do not like about

yourself. Repent over each of them. Release and forgive yourself. Pray

hard and release the ought (negative feelings) you have for yourself.

Release your mistakes and regrets. Don’t stop until all the emotions of

self-disgust, self-hatred and condemnation are gone. If you have bad

feelings about yourself, it will block your recovery and deliverance.

Self-hatred is as bad as hating others (Ps. 139:14, John 3:16, Rom.


3. If you were raised by dysfunctional parents and you rebelled against

them in your youth and dishonored them, the demons put a curse on

you (Gen. 9:24-27, Ex. 20:12, Dt. 5:16, Eph. 6:1-3, Dt. 27:16,

Mt.14:4) even if your parents were at fault. Renounce and repent of

this sin. Apologize to them if they are alive. Apologize to God. Release

them out of your soul to God and let them go. You have a Heavenly

Father now, and don’t need a dad and mom.

4. Make a literal list of the top 10 negative thoughts spirits put into your

mind every day. Repent of receiving and believing them. Reject,

renounce and rebuke each of them separately and cast them out

forever (II Cor. 10:3-5). Find a Scripture that contradicts each of them

(Isa. 26:3). Replace them (Phil 4:8). Write it down! Apologize to God

for listening to demon thoughts in your mind and not His Word (Col.


5. Pray aggressively for the Gift of Godly Sorrow. Of all the people you

may have hurt over the years, including yourself, you actually hurt

your Heavenly Father the most. He was wounded by your behavior.

Sorrow for hurting Him is healing and life changing (II Cor. 7:8-10).

Your tears will heal you (Ps. 56:8, Rev. 7:17, 21:4).

6. If you are able, speaking in Tongues off and on all day (read my web

site article “Glossa” on the “Teaching” page). The demons hate it and

don’t know what you are saying or how to stop the prayers. The Holy

Spirit interprets the language and applies it to your needs (I Cor. 14:2,

4, 14, 15, 18, 22, 32, 39). If not able, go to next step.

7. Read John 14, 15, 16 and Mt. 8, 9 over several times and absorb as

many of these wonderful life saving truths you can.

8. Watch the video ‘Overcoming Rejection’ or ‘Anxiety Disorders’ or

‘Miracle Blockers’ or ‘Auto Immune Diseases’ or ‘Ministering to the

Mentally Ill’ depending on your situation. They are life savers and on

point to almost all of your issues www.youtube.com/houseofhealingaz.

9. You must DO this list and not just read or consider it. The demons will

tell you that it is overwhelming. It is not. Take it slow and sure. Simply

take it one step at a time. Not all at once. Keep going. Keep fighting

and you will be healed by the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.

If you give up you will face dire consequences and many more years of


10. Immediately stop complaining and blaming yourself and others (Mt.

6:14-15, James 4:11). It will block your healing and deliverance in it’s


11. Go to the website and hit the “Teaching” button. Read the short article

on “How Satan Controls the Mind” and “Satan’s Counter Attack.” The

demons will attack your life to distract you from this list. If things get

worse temporarily, it is a good thing.

12. Follow the 10-step process to victory the Apostle James taught. It is

powerful and never fails (James 4:7-11). You will be cured.

13. After you have completed the list try the ‘self deliverance’ button on

the website at the top (www.hardcorechristianity.com). Do it at a time

when you are humble, desperate, broken or sensing the Holy Spirit.

Release the soul wounds and the spirits and the illnesses from your

body. Yawning, coughing, etc. are the spirits and wounds coming out of

you. It means you have the anointing and should keep going until you

are totally free.

14. If you have no desire to fight for your life, read the article under the

‘Teaching’ button on the Hardcore web site: “The Glorious Gift of Hate.”

After the Lord has given you this gift, you will be ready for spiritual

warfare. Ask Him to give it to you and don’t stop praying until you get

it (Heb. 1:9, Mt. 6:24).

15. Don’t do your own deliverance or healing program. As you

experienced, it won’t work. Only do this list and self deliverance based

on this list. Don’t sit around watching healing and deliverance videos on

YouTube. You will get more confused. If you have gone through

deliverance before, release it and start over. It failed because you or

they missed something on this list.

16. Please come to the Arizona Deliverance Center for a visit when the

Lord opens the door. Contact me well before coming for scheduling.

Plan on staying during the week or Saturday. The Lord Jesus loves you

and wants you well (John 14:21).

Brother Mike
